Office Cleaning Singapore: Cleaning Supplies You Must Have In Your Office

Office Cleaning Singapore: Cleaning Supplies You Must Have In Your Office

Keeping the office clean is not just the responsibility of an office cleaner. Even if your company has chosen to hire an office cleaning company in Singapore and you have office cleaners assisting you in keeping your premises clean, your employees must still ensure that they keep their workstations clean.A clean and sanitary workplace is…

4 Tips On How To Keep Your Office Carpet

4 Tips On How To Keep Your Office Carpet

Carpets are one of the most difficult-to-clean and easily dirtied materials that businesses like to have in their office because they can significantly reduce impact and reverberation noise, create a quieter environment, better social interaction, and improve the overall atmosphere of your office space.  However, carpets can also harbour lots of harmful pathogens and negatively…

How Often Should You Do Minimal Office Cleaning in Singapore

How Often Should You Do Minimal Office Cleaning in Singapore

Perhaps you may be thinking on hiring a professional office cleaning company in Singapore for a while now. Maybe you are considering between a monthly office cleaning services or weekly office cleaning services as the minimum service interval? Let’s  take a look on why a weekly office cleaner services is always better in comparison to a monthly office…